Are You Tired Of Feeling Like Crap: The Importance Of Sleep
Are you tired of feeling like crap? Are you tired all the time? No energy? Maybe a wee bit on the crabby side? Feel like you’re dragging in the afternoon or can’t wait to go to bed? I know exactly how you feel. I’ve been there and we all have our good days and our bad days. It happens. Do you want to know why that’s a good thing? It’s a good thing because we as humans can learn from our mistakes, bad habits, or faults. I’m not saying we won’t do it again, but maybe the next time it won’t be quite as bad!
I certainly don’t claim to be an expert by any means, but as a 43 year old father of 3, a husband, and a RN for 20 years I’ve found a few things that have really helped me feel better most of the time and not feel like crap all the time. I didn’t really realize how bad I really felt until I made some fairly painless and simple changes. It honestly has been about a 13 year process of ups and downs, good times and some epic failures.
What am I getting at? Well I’ve decided to share a few tips and ideas in a series of blog posts to help you not feel like crap! My goal is that you take a few or all of my ideas and improve your health and I truly hope you don’t feel like crap anymore!
Let’s start with getting some sleep. Check out the video below!
I hope you got a few little tidbits of information that you can apply and use to start focusing and getting a few more minutes or hours of sleep in each day and start to not feel like crap! Make sure to subscribe, like, and comment so you won’t miss the next post in the series!
Here is the link for you to track your sleep!! Make sure to track a typical week or two and then try to make an effort get more sleep, drink more water, and drink less caffeine and alcohol and compare how you feel.