I am currently looking for fellow Nurses who would like to share their passion for helping people lead healthier lifestyles through exercise and nutrition.

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Jason Rozinka

Why Nurses Wanted?

Because nurses need help! Take a second to think of some of your co-workers that need help with their health. I bet you just thought of way more than one and that is why I am looking for nurses that will share my commitment to health, fitness, and well-being.

As nurses, we are trained to help people, but often times we forget about our own health. As the national obesity rates climb (35.1% in 2013) some studies show that rates for nurses as high as 53%! Why is that? Long hours, night shifts, missed breaks that lead to poor nutrition (that doughnut the family brought in to thank you), and stress, just to name a few.

I have been an ICU nurse for 18 years and I want to spend less time in a stressful environment at work and more time at home with family. Becoming a health/fitness accountability coach has given me the financial freedom to do just that and being a Coach holds me accountable for my own health and fitness! Together as a team, we can help end the trend of obesity in this nation!

Please respond only if you are serious about joining my team or if you just want to get into better shape. Fill out the form below and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

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