Congratulations on making this life changing decision. I’m so proud of you for taking charge of your life and from now on things are going to be different for you and your family. I am excited to have you part of our family and look forward to what the future will bring! Ok! Here we go!

Right away there are some very important things for you to know:

  1. If you succeed in this business it is going to be you who creates that success, not me. And, if you fail in this business, it’s going to be you who creates that failure, not me. I’m here every step of the way, but I can’t do it for you.  I’m here to work with you, but not for you.
  2. My job is to help you become independent from me as quickly as possible. So you can grow and build YOUR business. Do you agree that’s a good goal?
  3. There will certainly be ups and downs as you build your business.There will be good times and bad times. I’ll know you’re in one of the bad times when you aren’t calling me, you aren’t participating in our team group, or if I start hearing excuses etc.  When that happens with you, and it happens to everyone, how do you want me to handle that? Do you want me to leave you alone or do you want me to be persistent and remind you why you made this decision in the first place?

Please add yourself to the New Wave Community and the Beachbody Champions page on Facebook because there is a wealth of knowledge on these pages and in the files section. Feel free to share your best tips too!

Step 1:Getting Started Right

Set Up a Getting Started Right call with your coach ASAP.

  1. We will set up direct deposit so you can get your first check electronically and avoid check fees.
  2. We will go over the coach online office or commonly called the “back office” and where to find the training resources you can access to help get your business started.
  3. We will discuss what we call The 4 Vital Behaviors of the business  1. To be a product of product 2. Invite Invite Invite 3. Recognize (challengers and coaches) 4. Personal Development
  4. We will discuss this Getting Started Right Form  (make sure your username uses your name. It’s going to be your brand and how people will identify you, like “jasonrozinka or Rozinka Fitness” or a business name you plan to use because these will be your future Beachbody links. If you already created your username and need to change it follow these steps:

To change your user name on Team Beachbody:

  • Go to http://teambeachbody.com and login
  • Click on profile on the upper right portion of the screen
  • Click “edit” within the biography field
  • Change your screen name

Step 2 Welcome and Quickstart Guide

  1. Watch New Coach Welcome Video
  2. Print First 30 Business Quickstart Guide
  3. Print First 30 Coach Action Plan  (*follow this Leader guide when on-boarding your own coaches, and use this First 30 Quick Reference Guide as well to guide your own coaches…these last two links are not for NEW coaches.)

Step 3: Basic Email Training

Complete the Elite Stronghold 10 module training via email.  You will need my email address: rozinkafitness@gmail.com and my coach ID # 269446 when signing up for this training.

Step 4: Fast Track Training

Complete the 20-day FAST TRACK TRAINING with your sponsoring coach.  This training is intense and meant for only those who want to JUMP START THEIR BUSINESS and step outside their comfort zones.  It will be intense and push you, but BUCKLE UP FOR THE RIDE!  Please watch this video from one of the creators if you like a challenge and are ready to crush it!!

Step 5: Mentoring 2 New Coaches

Complete the Fast Track training again, but mentoring two new coaches to help them jump start their businesses like you have! Here is the Fast Track Leadership Training Group to request access to and learn more.

Step 6: Branding

Your BRAND is crucial to your business and should be established as soon as possible. This training will help you identify your brand to make it easier to find other people out there just like you. Sign up and start the  Branding Course here.

Step 7: AD1 Training

Complete AD1 training which is another intense training (6 weeks and 7 days a week online) that will help you GROW and help you GROW YOUR BUSINESS!  It will help you put together a video of your story which we all know that facts tell and STORIES SELL! This gives you the opportunity for your potential customers and coaches to CONNECT with you, and want to purchase from you because they can relate to you.

Step 8: Be Consistent

Continue to invite and add coaches to sponsor with the fast track training to MULTIPLY your team and help them grow. Consistency is key and continuing to add people to your TEAM and adding this to their training will help build a TEAM. This is the QUICKEST path to an increased BANK ACCOUNT and impacting more lives both financially and physically!!

Step 9: Offer Value

Run free groups monthly, along with your 21-day fitness groups, and do coach invites your sneak peek about coaching. Continue to funnel people into your fast track training each month.  PROVIDE VALUE to your coaches, customers, and AUDIENCE on social media platforms with recipes and SHARING PARTS OF YOUR STORY to help them relate to you.

BEING EXCITED ABOUT Beachbody and this opportunity is great, but we don’t want to be a billboard and be salesy on our FB pages, because you will become white noise and nobody will pay attention to you. It is also a way to lose potential customers. Many network marketers are that way, but WE don’t want to be that way because it DOESN’T work.
We will teach you how to ATTRACT your tribe through ATTRACTION MARKETING by providing value to your audience!

Learning Resources:

*Add yourself to the New Wave Community
*Add yourself to the Beachbody Champions Page
*Check out the Team Beachbody Podcasts each week and download the podcast on your phone
* Check out the Inside Shakeology Podcast and educate yourself and also download it to your phone.
*Check out New Wave Power Talks website for a wealth of information.
*Check out Super Saturday Events each quarter in your local area and invite potential customers or coaches to attend with you.
*Add the Annual Beachbody Coach Summit to your  calendar to attend! Attending events is a great way to learn and keep you motivated!

Bookmark these sites for future use:

  • http://teambeachbody.com  – YOUR HOME (check your back office every day)
  • http:/tbblinks.com – GET YOUR DIRECT LINKS FOR PRODUCTS, VIDEOS ETC. (Be sure to enter your id# and screen name per instructions)
  • http://www.tbbcoach411.com/ – COACHING NEWS AND TIPS
  • http://bit.ly/tbboppw – Opportunity webinar hosted by Blake.  THIS IS WHERE YOU CAN INVITE PEOPLE TO TAKE A LOOK AT THE OPPORTUNITY.  Of course be sure to set the next appointment to ask them what they liked best about it!  DO NOT TELL THEM TO WATCH IT AND GET BACK TO ME!  Set a specific date and time to follow up.
  • http://bit.ly/invite5steps – My Challenge Group Bible! Every bit of text I use to invite to and set up my challenge groups.  Simply cut, paste and add a little of your personality. The more you use this, the more your business will grow.
  • http://bit.ly/chadstips1 – Simple shortcut to these tips on a document!
  • Eric Worre daily videos:  http://networkmarketingpro.com
  • How to video: How to share articles from the Team Beachbody Blog with YOUR ID:

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