Lesson #7: The Importance of Exercise

Lesson #7: The Importance of Exercise


We all know the importance of exercise and I know it is hard to get started. I’ve been there. Seriously, I’ve been there. Being in the health care profession I feel we have the obligation to encourage and live a healthy lifestyle, but often times we don’t and the statistics for the obesity rates with nurses show it. Over 55% of us are obese! What can we do? Check out the video below as I share a few tips on what you need to do to get started and more importantly be consistent with your fitness.

I hope this video helped you out and at least gave you a few ideas or maybe just the motivation to get started! That really is the hardest part and so many of us start and stop way too early and don’t get into that routine. It takes 21 Days to break a bad habit and to form new, healthy ones. Give it at least that long and you will be patting yourself on your back.  Here are a few things to remember:

Focus needs to be on your nutrition! 80% of your results are what you eat.

Know your physical limitations to prevent injury and discouraging you from continuing. If you really don’t like your program, the gym, or running for example, you are not going to continue it!

Weigh the pro’s and con’s of what type of exercise you are going to start. Gym vs. home workouts, etc. Think about time, availability, cost, guarantee, accountability, have you tried it before and failed and why.

No such thing as bad exercise! (Unless you think Pokemon Go is exercise!!)

If you are considering home workouts, this is what I use and it’s something you can do anywhere with a limited amount of space. Some workouts vary in the amount of space you need and equipment.

Here are a few blog posts that can help give you some ideas too!

How Yoga Can Help Nurses and You!

How to Conquer the Fear of Starting a Program

Home Gym Ideas: Equipment To Get Started

Nursing Fitness & Obesity: Irony & Solution


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