Bowflex SelectTech 552 vs. 1090
Bowflex Makes Two. Which One is for You?
This video gives you a brief overview of the difference between the Bowflex SelectTech 552 vs. 1090. Both have similarities in structure but have differences in how they function. The big question you may have is which one do you need?
Deciding Your Weight
Before you look at the difference between the two weights, you’ll need to decide how much weight you’ll need for your home gym. Deciding involves a couple of different factors including how much weight you can lift now vs how much weight you’ll be lifting in just a few months. You also need to consider your budget.
Testing Weight
The best test of the heaviest weight you can lift now is the squat. Your leg muscles are your largest set of muscles and can generally push up more weight than any other muscle group. The only other area that you may be able to lift almost as much is with the back and chest muscles. Generally, though your legs will always work harder and need more weight. So practice your squats to get your form perfect and then apply weight.
A couple of ways to do this. The easiest is to simply go to the sporting good store and see how much weight you can squat with dumbbells (you’ll do more with a squat rack). If you’re just starting out with lifting, you’ll want to add 50% to 100% to that number. Say you can do a set of 10 squats with 40 lbs in each hand, you may want to look at getting the larger weight set.
Or, get a couple of 5-gallon buckets and fill them with water, weigh them and go do some squats. Not nearly as comfortable, but it gets the job done.
What you don’t want is to take a set of weights home and outgrow them in 30 days.
Dollars for Pounds
Perhaps your budget is slowing you down. Weights are generally sold per pound. While Selectechs and other adjustable weights are much more cost-effective, the price still goes up with the weight. You may need those larger weights that come with the 1090’s, but it might not be in the budget today. One easy way around this is to find a couple large sets of weights for squats and get the smaller 552’s for the rest of your workouts.
Bowflex SelectTech 552s vs. 1090: The Differences
There are two main differences. The first is the grip. The grip on the 1090’s is metal as seen in the video. The knurled grip won’t wear out as fast as the rubberized grip on the smaller 552’s. You’ll want to wear gloves, making the grip choice more about durability than comfort.
The second is weight. The 552’s go up to a max of 52.5 (starting at 5 lbs) in 2.5 lb increments up to 25 lbs and then 5 lb increments the rest of the way with the last turn another 2.5 lbs. The 1090’s start at 10 lbs and go in 5 lb increments up to 90 lbs. The second gives a much higher weight ceiling, but at the cost of the fine adjustments at the lower end.
So you may want to do what I’ve done and start with the 552’s and then later purchase the 1090’s. This is easier on the budget and provides more versatility in the long run.